Pavla scenario photoset


(4 customer reviews)

182 photos – Pavla is attacked by guy during her way to changing room (Casual outfit), she beat him and start training in gym (Gi) where guy again arrive, so she give him the lesson he deserves
Format: JPEG, in ZIP archiv
5242×3495, 3531×5296…pixels
Filesize: 313 MB


4 reviews

  1. Bartosz

    She enjoys kicking asses (and balls) 🙂

    I simply admire Pavla – she is not only pretty and skilled, but she has that “something” in her face expression while delivering a deadly blow or doing a victory pose. She really enjoys kicking asses (and balls) with her sexy feet. I hope we will see more and more Pavla in skilled and deadly action!

  2. Michael


    Nice vid, enjoys that she kicks his left testicle then right testicle instead of at the same time

  3. Bence



  4. Gary


    Love her smiling hAppy face as she looks over the poor sob whose testicles just got castrated by her beautiful back heel kick

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